
Your star burns bright. Happy Matariki!

Part one.

Kia ora  to the winter months and the dazzling beauty of our southern skies! I hope some of you were lucky enough to catch the Aurora Australis. WHAT a precious curtain raiser to the magic of Matariki! 

I wanted to do something a little different this time and offer some personal reflections on Ngā Mata o te Ariki Tāwhirimātea ('The eyes of the god Tāwhirimātea') as Matariki offers such a rich tapestry of cultural, astronomical, and ecological significance for Aotearoa. It also got me thinking what we can learn from the Māori New Year as we continue to power up our life and our business journey. 

Seasons have reasons and coming from Rangitāne whakapapa with strong ties to Waikato-Tainui, Matariki holds great meaning for me. 

Recently, we’ve seen a resurgence of interest in Matariki among all New Zealanders, regardless of cultural background. It’s a tale of renewal, rebirth, and connection, as the land emerges from the darkness of winter into the light of a new season. For Māori, it’s a time to remember and honour loved ones who have passed, to celebrate achievements, and to set intentions for the year ahead. 

The national holiday is a time for unity and reflection for sure. Isn’t it wonderful that communities can gather for feasting, storytelling, strengthening bonds, and passing on traditions from one generation to the next?

I urge my friends to take in a public event or festival and celebrate inclusivity on Friday 28 June – and learn more about Matariki's meaning as you participate in the celebrations.

Matariki also serves as a reminder of the intrinsic connection between people and the land they inhabit. It's a time to acknowledge the rhythms of nature, to give thanks for the abundance provided by the earth, and to consider our role as kaitiaki of the environment.

Like the stars above, we are all interconnected, and together, we can illuminate the path forward towards a brighter, more harmonious future as we embrace the values of whanaungatanga (kinship), manaakitanga (hospitality), and kaitiakitanga (guardianship) through the cycles of life.

Even businesses have seasons and cycles. We ebb and flow and the decisions we make today impact or personal and professional destiny – and those around us. Finding a rhythm is one of the secrets to life and business success and you have a wonderful winter window of opportunity to get set for the rest of the year!

I’m no winter bunny. Bunkering down, a wee hibernation is great, but my top tip for the season is to NOT get caught up in the idea that winter has to be unproductive. I reckon just the opposite if you embrace the season you’re in. Here’s four things to try in the next few weeks: 

  1. Productivity. I’ve been chatting to clients about this a lot this week. Why change your summer schedule just because it’s winter? You can get more productive by drinking more water, prioritising sleep, eating well and taking breaks. Hey, even try light therapy if you struggle at this time of year

  2. Set up a morning routine. So important in winter. I’ll still be getting up at 5am to get to the gym or go walking (ok, admission time, my car does have heated seats, which makes the idea of hitting the treadmill a whole lot easier!)

  3. In your business, keep setting goals or KPIs. We must always be sure to know what our business KPIs are and how we measure success or growth. This is just as true with our hauora (wellbeing) and life goals. Is now a good time to book a lunch with your biggest customer or review your 2024 strategy?

  4. Don’t over think things, it is the small actions that you execute daily that really makes a difference to the big stuff. I’ll pitch some tips in part two!

Building good habits personally and professionally now, is something I’ll discuss in my next blog, plus some cool practical business advice on finishing strong in the second half of the year. Stay tuned!

Need some help on the above topics? Why not engage me for a free consult to get you and your business moving in the direction it deserves to be, flick me a message! 

Tukua kia tū takitahi ngā whetū o te rangi. 

Kim Hill