Māori Business Growth
Having supported Māori business interests for many years, I have an instinctive knowledge of the drivers and needs of pakihi Māori. I have provided trusted advice and mentorship for businesses, iwi and hapū over many years, and look forward to working with you.
Ko Ruahine te maunga
Ko Manawatū te awa
Ko Kurahaupō te waka
Nō Rangitāne ahau
Ko Kim Hill tōku ingoa
E mihi ana ki a tātou,
There’s a whakataukī, a proverb, that says: ‘ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini’, which means ‘my strength is not the strength of one, but the strength of many’.
This is very much the approach that I have found to be pivotal towards ensuring the success of pakihi Māori – not only locally, but globally. Harnessing the power of the collective, because you can’t do it alone, and neither can I.
So, whakawhanaungatanga, or building relationships, is the key to me understanding your needs as my client, which then allows me to have an insight into what your business is all about and support you in achieving your aspirations.
I absolutely understand the mechanics of Māori business: margins, brand and marketing strategies, business plans and growth. And I also bring a kaupapa Māori lens to our mahi together, and integrate tikanga Māori in all I do.
I take a ngākau mahaki/humility approach – it’s important to stay away from using big words or flash terminology because business can actually be kept quite simple. I’m big on kanohi kitea – being present and supportive when it matters – and whakamana i te tangata/empowering people to have the courage and confidence to achieve their business goals.
Like our tūpuna, we need to be bold and fearless innovators, be mindful of and responsive to our circumstances, be committed to our culture and community, care for our environment, and consider the generations to follow in all we do. These are cornerstones of te ao Māori, and are embedded in how I love to work.
Coaching, mentoring, advising, training, connecting people, planning, strategy, funding... how can I help? High-level leadership training and iwi mentoring for you and your senior people to establish short-term wins and long-term strategies? Power up the literacy of business and Matauranga (education) so you can achieve your aspirations.
I meet people where they’re at. Business can be kept very simple. Business people just need confidence to be courageous. I will help you get in front of the right people (accountants, lawyers, you name it) and walk alongside you during the important introductions and ongoing conversations.
What else? Financial literacy, sales and brand marketing, IP and copyright intelligence for your management and mid-level team – let’s open the tool box you need to move forward.
Ready to achieve what you want to achieve?
I work with Māori enterprise at all levels and I’m resolutely committed to encouraging and promoting Māori economic participation and growth.